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To ensure we can be as helpful as possible in assisting you and expediting the warranty process please follow the steps outlined below:
STEP 1. Gather ALL required information & documentation:
1. Bright and clear photos showing the entire item and then close-ups of the issue*
2. Full Name
3. Address
4. Phone Number
5. Invoice Number
6. Date Purchased
7. Model # (and Serial # when applicable)
*For Mattresses: Photos of the law tag, entire mattress, and close up of issue. **For Furniture: Photos & list which parts have issues: slats, headboard, footboard, etc...
STEP 2. Send the information via Text to both our main phone number, AND to Alex's Email:
Main Number: (910)-420-3367
Alex's Email:
Other Helpful Links and Information
How Mattress Impressions Are Measured (YouTube Video)
General Terms & Conditions for the GBS 5-Year Warranty

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